It is generally understood that colour combinations that appear pleasing are made up of colours that are in harmony or in balance with each other. Colours that do not appear to agree with each other or that clash are not in harmony.

Whether it is the interior or exterior painting, we normally start a client out with a chart of stock colours. Stock color paints tend to perform better due to the process of their manufacture.

On the exterior paints chart, there is also a nice variety of harmonious colour combinations to choose from.

Another very good way to get started on exterior colour selection is to take a drive around the neighborhood and find similar houses to yours to see what others have done with colours. This way you get a very good idea of what the final look of your home might be.

We can provide you with cardboard brush outs, or roll out samples directly on the areas to be painted. Many clients find this process helps them to better visualize the final result. More about house painting colour.